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In this regard, both Italy and Spain are confronted with the problem of early school leaving and school segregation. Early school leaving in Spain occurs in 16.0% of young people, being the country with the highest rate in the European Union, with an average of 10.2%. This problem basically affects children, who represent 74% of students who drop out of studies, and immigrant students, who represent 32.5% of those who leave the education system (Ministry of Education of Spain, 2020). A better adaptation of the training offered to the needs of both the labour market and the situation of these young people could give them greater continuity in their training in vocational training. In terms of school segregation, in Spain, 9% of Spanish education centers have more than 50% of students who are disadvantaged for socio-economic reasons (Save the Children, 2018).
This segregation takes place between public and private schools, but also between public centers themselves, causing the ghettoization of those schools that concentrate disadvantaged students. This problem affects academic performance, given the social determinism that exists in academic achievement.
First partnership meeting in Zaragoza (Spain).
Second partnership meeting in Roma, Italy.
First multiplier event (Italy, Spain, North Macedonia and Turkey).
First LTTA, in Skope, North Macedonia
Finished the first project result: service design thinking platform.
Second LTTA, online.
Finished the second project result: service design thinking learning course.
Third partnership meeting in Ljubliana, Slovenia.
Finished the third project result: ebook of service design thinking methodology.
Second multiplier event (Italy, Spain, North Macedonia and Turkey).
Forth partnership meeting in Skope, North Macedonia.